Life Events


One of the most joyful moments in the life of our congregation takes place when a new person is baptized into the body of Christ. The rector, Rev. Jess, meets with the parents of an infant or child to be baptized, or with an adult who seeks baptism, to explore the meaning of baptism and how Trinity will support them on their spiritual journey.


Confirmation, is the reaffirmation of our baptismal vows and the profession of our faith with the laying on of hands by the bishop. This sacrament takes place during the bishop’s annual visitation or at the Cathedral of the Incarnation. A period of instruction is scheduled prior to the Confirmation service with Rev. Jess. 


Our faith teaches us that marriage is a sacramental rite in which two persons “enter into a life-long union, make their vows before God and the Church, and receive the grace and blessing of God to help them fulfill their vows” (BCP, p. 861). The rector will gladly talk with any couple who might wish to be married at Trinity. Marriage in the Episcopal Church is open to all couples, including same-gender couples. If you are not a member of the church, please contact the church office for more information and to see if Trinity is a good fit for you. Marriage within the Episcopal Church requires at least one of the couple be baptized and that the couple receive pre-marital instruction. Should either party be divorced, approval of the bishop must be obtained prior to the wedding, which requires additional time. An appointment should be made with the rector to explore these and other requirements prior to setting a wedding date. 


Trinity offers a place to remember, rest, grieve and hope when you have lost a loved one. Funerals are held in our church or graveside in our cemetery using the liturgy for the Burial of the Dead. This liturgy is an Easter liturgy that centers on our hope in Christ’s resurrection. We believe that if Jesus was raised from the dead, that both those we have lost and ourselves will be raised and in the loving arms of God. Funerals must be scheduled with the Rector and she will assist families in coordinating the additional needs for the service (i.e. musicians, funeral home, vault companies).

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